follow Emmanuel Macron’s first trip since his re-election in Cergy

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12:04 : It is noon, we take stock:

• Emmanuel Macron arrived in Cergy (Val-d’Oise) to meet residents, traders and young entrepreneurs, according to the Elysée. This is his first trip since his re-election. Follow our live.

• La France insoumise and the Socialist Party have been meeting for two hours to discuss a possible agreement on a programmatic platform for the legislative elections. LFI is already in discussion with Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, the Communist Party and the New Anti-Capitalist Party to form the People’s Union.

• France supports Moldova against “at the risk of destabilization”, said French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, after a series of explosions in the pro-Russian separatist region of Transdniestria, neighboring war-torn Ukraine. Follow our live.

• The national tribute to Michel Bouquet, who died on April 13 at the age of 96, will begin at 4 p.m., announced the Elysée. It will take place in the main courtyard of the Hôtel National des Invalides. Emmanuel Macron will preside over the ceremony.

11:49 : “I chose to come to Cergy because it’s a city with a lot of difficulties economic, social, security and which also has a young population, and for which we will continue to act.”

11:44 am : Emmanuel Macron arrived in Cergy (Val-d’Oise), to meet residents, traders and young entrepreneurs, three days after his re-election. Follow his move in our live.

09:35 : “The Socialist Party decides the future of the Socialist Party. We make a political proposal”replies Clémentine Autain on France 2, after criticism from certain socialist executives with an outstretched hand from La France insoumise. “It’s not about saying to the party: ‘You close up shop and everyone rallies behind us'”but LFI refuses to do “a simple electoral agreement”. “We need political coherence.”

09:23 : It is 9 a.m., we take stock:

• La France insoumise and the Socialist Party meet at 10 am to discuss a possible agreement on a programmatic platform for the legislative elections. LFI is already in discussion with Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, the Communist Party and the New Anti-Capitalist Party to form the People’s Union. Follow our live.

• Emmanuel Macron will go at the end of the morning to a popular district of Cergy (Val-d’Oise) to meet residents, traders and young entrepreneurs, according to the Elysée. This is his first trip since his re-election. Objective: to illustrate one’s will “to go into the field, in contact with French women and men”.

• The United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus a resolution requiring the five permanent members of the Security Council to justify their use of the veto. A rare reform that was revived by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Follow our live.

• The national tribute to Michel Bouquet, who died on April 13 at the age of 96, will begin at 4 p.m., announced the Elysée. It will take place in the main courtyard of the Hôtel National des Invalides. Emmanuel Macron will preside over the ceremony.

09:23 : Where is the call for donations, launched the day after the first round? “We are approaching two million euros”, assures Julien Bayou. There are “more than 30,000 donors, twice the number of EELV members”he continued when the party must repay five million euros, Yannick Jadot having won less than 5% of the vote.

09:23 : “We propose a coalition” and no “a rally” to the “rebellious”, assures the national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens, Julien Bayou, on franceinfo. While discussions have been underway for several days between La France insoumise and the other left-wing parties, the first is criticized for having approached the negotiations without seeming ready to compromise.

08:41 : Funny anecdote: as she was about to call her competitor, Marine Le Pen realized… that she didn’t have his number. It was necessary to contact relatives of the president, “Richard Ferrand, Thierry Solere, Gabriel Attal”to recover the precious sesame, reports Sébastien Chenu.

08:40 : What did Marine Le Pen say to Emmanuel Macron, when she acknowledged her defeat to him by telephone on the evening of the second round? After congratulating him, she told him that as he progressed, the next time would be “most likely the right one for her”assures the RN deputy for the North, Sébastien Chenu, to BFMTV.

08:27 : Emmanuel Macron will go at the end of the morning to a popular district of Cergy (Val-d’Oise) to meet residents, traders and young entrepreneurs, according to the Elysée. This is his first trip since his re-election. Objective: to illustrate one’s will “to go into the field, in contact with French women and men”.

08:15 : “I call on all those who disagree with this orientation to regroup, meet and resist. And we will settle the final problem at the PS Congress”

While the PS and La France insoumise begin discussions in the morning with a view to the legislative elections, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis believes that the lefts are not “fungible”.

08:15 : About legislative, the meeting between the “rebellious” and the Socialists, this morning, for a possible agreement, does not seem to delight everyone in the PS. “We are not being offered a coalition, we are being offered surrender”estimates the former first secretary of the party, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, on franceinfo. (THOMAS SAMSON / AFP)

08:09 : And unsurprisingly, the legislative elections are also being talked about. Possible alliance on the left, LR who leaves alone … Find the latest information on this subject in our direct.

The Union April 27, 2022Corsica Morning April 27, 2022

07:27 : “I got messages, way more than usual. People were like, ‘Where do I start? What can I do?'”

Camille Etienne, one of the main influencers on the climate, recounts being contacted by many citizens who wanted to get involved since the first round of the presidential election, and the choice between two candidates for the second round that they did not did not consider themselves up to the task on climate issues.

07:24 : Here is a first summary of the news:

• La France insoumise and the Socialist Party meet at 10 am to discuss a possible agreement on a programmatic platform for the legislative elections. LFI is already in discussion with Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, the Communist Party and the New Anti-Capitalist Party to form the People’s Union.

• On the right, Les Républicains have opted for an independent parliamentary group, with no possible dual membership. This position was voted unanimously in the strategic committee yesterday, with the exception of two abstentions: Damien Abad and Philippe Juvin.

• The Polish and Bulgarian authorities have been informed by the Russian gas group Gazprom of its intention to stop delivering gas to the two countries, despite the contracts binding them. We summarize yesterday’s day of war between Ukraine and Russia.

• The national tribute to Michel Bouquet, who died on April 13 at the age of 96, will begin at 4 p.m., announced the Elysée. It will take place in the main courtyard of the Hôtel National des Invalides. Emmanuel Macron will preside over the ceremony.

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