Focus | Science first


“Disinformation has no place in Press. Our role is to carefully sort through the 140,000 letters and comments that we receive from readers each year, ”writes our columnist Stéphanie Grammond.

Stephanie Grammond

Stephanie Grammond

Dear readers,
Let me come back to the publication of a letter in our Debates section on Tuesday.

A doctor who addressed the issue of childhood vaccination slipped into his text a lot of information that does not hold up scientifically and that unnecessarily alarmed the public.

To set the record straight, today we are publishing a reply signed by Alex Carignan, physician microbiologist-infectious disease specialist and epidemiologist, full professor and researcher at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Sherbrooke. Five other famous co-signers are joining his voice to send a clear and unequivocal message to the population. A science-based message.

Read Dr Alex Carignan’s reply “Falsehoods and half-truths to be corrected”

Disinformation has no place in Press. Our role is to carefully sort through the 140,000 letters and comments that we receive from readers each year. We are committed to giving voice to people from all walks of life, from all points of view, in order to fuel public debate.

While everyone is entitled to their opinion, our journalistic practices nevertheless require us to base ourselves on facts. And this also applies to the letters we publish. This is what differentiates the forum for exchanging ideas that our Debates section constitutes from other social media where unfounded theories circulate that we fight in our pages.

Our apologies for this letter which did not respect the standards of quality and rigor of Press and which therefore should not have been published.

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