Focus on “Clic&moi”, a platform that connects students and seniors who have difficulty with computers

All summer, “C’est mon boulot” highlights 40 original business ideas, business creations that respond to the times. Monday, the portrait of Aaron Teboul, who launched Clic&moi, a platform that connects students and seniors to better master the Internet.

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On the one hand, students who want to have a solidarity and useful job, and, on the other, seniors who are victims of the digital divide, who need support in their daily struggle with their computer or their telephone. Hence Clic&moi, launched at the end of 2021.

The content of the courses is varied: “The most chosen themes are, for example, communication via social networks, video calls, emails, adding yourself to a WhatsApp group, but also a large area on prevention on the internet, avoiding scams, transferring your photos to computer, are among the most chosen themes”, declared Aaron Teboul, the founder on franceinfo.

Today, 150 students work as auto-entrepreneurs for the platform. Well paid, between 17 and 25 euros per hour. They are handpicked. For seniors, it’s 40 euros per hour, half reimbursed by the state. For the moment, the service covers Paris and Île-de-France, but intends to extend everywhere and targets rural areas in particular.

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