fluency in French becomes a predominant criterion

Nine out of ten decision-makers believe that the quality of written and oral expression is more required in the context of remote work, according to an Ipsos survey for the Voltaire Project.

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The survey conducted among 2,500 decision-makers looked at employers’ expectations regarding the skills of their teams. And during this period of generalized teleworking where employees are called upon to express themselves during remote meetings and exchange in writing more regularly, the importance of mastering the language of Molière is definitely a criterion.

And it starts at the recruitment stage. More than 80% of employers reject an application whose CV and cover letter contain errors in particular. The quality of written and oral expression in French as well as the quality of spelling figure at the top of the recruitment criteria, ahead of professional experience, initial training or mastery of English.

Another lesson from the study: eight out of ten employers consider the gaps in French to be prohibitive for the professional development of their employees. Indeed, according to this survey, 92% believe that it degrades their reputation and their image.

Finally, nearly three-quarters of recruiters say they are reassured by obtaining the Voltaire Project certificate, the refresher establishment which commissioned this survey from Ipsos. This is a test that you can prepare online for several months and that you can pass, for a few tens of euros.

Ipsos surveys for the Voltaire Project conducted online from May 12 to 24, 2021 with 504 respondents and from September 11 to 20, 2021 with 2,000 respondents (not interviewed in May), all decision makers in business or administration (public and private sectors) , aged 18 to 65, throughout France.

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