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The flu epidemic is gaining momentum in France: the number of consultations has jumped by 40% in one week. Thursday, February 9, the health authorities call on parents to vaccinate all children from 2 years old.
For the past few days, appointments with a general practitioner in Essonne have reminded us that the flu virus is back on Thursday, February 9. For Dr. Arnaud Saada, the rebound of the epidemic could be of to the decline of barrier gestures. “In my opinion, it is the fact that as of February 1, all the Covid measures have been completely lifted. We see more young people, and it would be fine in the sense that it’s a mask problem”he said.
Vaccination recommended for children 2 to 17 years old
156 cases per 100,000 inhabitants were recorded last week, compared to 113 cases the previous week. A real rebound, but not necessarily unusual. “When we look before the Covid, the last classic flu epidemic, there was a peak at the beginning of February, and two months later we had a second peak later lower. This time, as we had the first peak at the end of last year, it is possible that we will have a peak until mid-February”, analyzes Dr. Damien Mascret, doctor and journalist. The Haute Autorité de Santé now recommends vaccination every year for children aged 2 to 17.