“Florists make 20% of their turnover just on this day”, according to the founder of Fleurs d’Ici.

Mother’s Day takes place on Sunday. A strategic day for florists who make their biggest sales after Valentine’s Day. However, more and more customers are turning to short channels, explains Hortense Harang, the founder of Fleurs d’Ici.

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“Tell her with flowers”. The slogan is still going strong. The French still buy so many flowers for Mother’s Day, which takes place on Sunday May 29, explains on franceinfo Friday May 27 Hortense Harang, founder of the Fleurs d’Ici brand: “It’s the second biggest flower sales occasion after Valentine’s Day, with almost 20% of their flower sales being for Mother’s Day. Last year, 60 million euros were traded on this single day.

Despite the difficulties of purchasing power, “households do not skimp on the flower budgetshe adds. Buying a bouquet for Mother’s Day is sacred.” However, customers are increasingly seeking to favor short circuits and seasonal flowers.

There is an awareness. In the same way, large companies are also much more careful with their purchases, and are more responsible than before.“, believes Hortense Harang. At the moment, peonies are the star flowers of the season.

Created 5 years ago, Fleurs d’ici delivers everywhere in France, has 30 employees, and works with a network of 1,000 partners. A way to support the sector which is growing by 10% per year. Working with local horticulturists, in a short circuit, close to the places of delivery, the brand does not suffer too much from the rise in fuel prices but nevertheless suffers because of the drought.

This new business model only works thanks to digital. Fleurs d’ici is a somewhat special company, a third way between Amazon and the maintenance of a local business, a local fabric. It is nonetheless a start-up, which must have raised nearly five million euros from investors.

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