Floriane Martin’s fight against cystic fibrosis



Article written by

C. Darneuville, C. Peltin, S. Salmon – France 3

France Televisions

Suffering from cystic fibrosis, Floriane Martin should not live beyond 8 years. She is now 36 years old and a mother of a family.

4.30 p.m., the end of class, a constraint for some, happiness for others. “It’s a dream that I didn’t think was possible a few years ago”. A dream long unthinkable because Floriane Martin suffers from cystic fibrosis. She was diagnosed at the age of four, and was not to live beyond 8 years. Today, she is 36 years old and has two children. A victory over illness.

“It’s very complicated for a woman with cystic fibrosis to have children. I fought a lot. It’s just happiness today so we take full advantage.” A long struggle, started with the control of cystic fibrosis which breaks down the mucus in the body. A liver transplant at the age of 18, 20 to 30 tablets each day and daily aerosol and physiotherapy sessions since the onset of the disease, this is Floriane’s daily lot. A determination that pushes the young woman to participate in the poster campaign and the clip of the association “Vaincre la cysticiscidose” with rapper Abd al Malik. Cystic fibrosis affects a newborn in France every three days.

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