Floriane Bascou not supported by the Miss France committee following the withdrawal of Diane Leyre? The controversy swells!

She will proudly wear the colors of France on January 14 in New Orleans during the very prestigious Miss Universe 2023 competition. She is Floriane Bascou, Miss Martinique 2021 and first runner-up to Diane Leyre, who was designated by the committee. A crown coveted by dozens of candidates from all over the world. In 2016, it was our tricolor Miss, Iris Mittenaere, who took the lead by winning first place. Her ex, Kev Adams, was very proud of it… Normally, it was Diane Leyre, Miss 2022, who should have entered the competition. But too busy, the latter warned the Miss France committee several months ago that she could not take on this mission. In a press release, she commented on her withdrawal from the next international competitions, “for lack of time and preparation a few weeks before (her) presentation of the Miss France title, next December”. The 25-year-old Parisian, who is also a radio host on the morning show of “Virgin Radio” clarified: “I don’t like to do things by halves when it comes to representing France (…) and the choice of my first runner-up, Floriane Bascou, was a no-brainer to live this great adventure.”

“My god you really don’t care about the world, what a lack of respect”

For Miss World, Diane Leyre will therefore also have a replacement in the person of Clémence Botino, ex-beauty queen 2020. But, for the time being, it would seem above all that it is the candidacy of Floriane Bascou which poses a problem for the Miss Committee France, newly led by Alexia Laroche-Joubert and Cindy Fabre. Would he refuse to openly and financially support the beautiful Martiniquaise?

A few weeks ago, an Instagram account entitled “Mu France 2022 Support Committee (Martinique)” was created. A support page to help Floriane Bascou at the dawn of this international event, which notably offers a raffle and themed evenings to raise funds! And Internet users are revolted by the abandonment of the young woman. In comments, we can read in particular: “In the meantime, it is they who abandon it during its preparation! Ashamed”, or even “@missfranceoff @cindyfabreoff @aljofficiel My god you really don’t care about the world, what a lack of respect it is staggering so much lack of professionalism”. The controversy swells visibly…


See also: Indira Ampiot, Miss France 2023, on the verge of losing her title! Our revelations!

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