Florian Philippot will call to “vote for the candidate against Emmanuel Macron in the second round”, “whatever the person”

“I will call to vote for the candidate facing Emmanuel Macron in the second round”, announces Saturday, April 2 on franceinfo Florian Philippot, president of the Les Patriotes movement and now supporter of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, candidate Debout la France” for the presidential election. The former vice-president of the National Rally specifies that this choice will apply “whatever the person” opposed to the candidate president.

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Florian Philippot explains “that he would be terrified” that Emmanuel Macron be re-elected: “I don’t know what will be left of France, of our freedoms, of the sovereignty of our country, after five years of a new Macron mandate”. But first, he calls to vote for Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, April 10 “because I think you have to vote for your convictions in the first round if you want them to weigh”.

The president of the Patriots – who had not gathered sufficient sponsorship to present himself – signed an agreement with the party Debout la France “which covers the presidential and legislative elections, he specifies. We have since been joined by Génération Frexit, another political movement. We will be present everywhere in the legislative elections, in alliance. There are already three movements and it is open to all sovereigntist groups. It’s unprecedented.”

However, questioned within the framework of an internal consultation, more than 40% of the militants of Debout la France favored support for Éric Zemmour. Florian Philippot explains that the “conditions” were not filled for a rallying to the reconquest candidate.

“We had to be able to enrich the presidential program. It was not possible with the Zemmour team, it was perfectly possible with the team of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan”.

Florian Philippot

at franceinfo

He recalls that the candidate Debout la France came second during this consultation, with 29% of the votes.

Five proposals from the Patriotes party have been added to Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s program, explains Floriant Philippot: “The commitment to hold a referendum on our membership of the European Union. It is essential for us, at the Patriots we are for the Frexit. That the confinement becomes unconstitutional. It will be written as in Japan, for example. The president of the Patriots also evokes the idea of “cash as freedom”, “the fight against conflicts of interest with the ban on revolving door“, a subject “topical with the McKinsey affair”.Florian Philippot finally quotes “the nationalization of large banks so that the real economy regains control over finance”.

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