Florian, café manager, no longer believes in politics



France Televisions

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Florian Cano, manager of a café in the Gard, wish an improvement in its purchasing power but no longer places any hope in political leaders.

It is true that it is beautiful, the village. Dead, but he is beautiful.“Florian Cano, 49 and manager of a café in Joncquières-Saint-Jacques (Gard), regrets seeing small businesses desert his town. If he is not interested”not at all“to politics, he admits that”since the Covid, it’s very hard. People have taken other habits (…). Before, we made at least one kilo of coffee a day. Now we do one every two days, or two and a half days“. However, he will only vote next April to please his father.

We won’t change anything. They will all talk to do well but that’s all (…). The right, the left, the middle, it’s the same“, he assures. Florian Cano however sees a more important theme than the others emerging: purchasing power. He explains that he does not have “nothing” on his account at the end of the month and blames political leaders for not doing enough.”The place is good, they are all fighting to get it (…). When I see my pension contributions, how old do I have to work? Until my death ?

“My voice counts” is a series of reports that give voice to citizens. The franceinfo channel 27 reporting teams crisscrossed the territories to meet the French people in order to question them about their concerns and expectations vis-à-vis politics and in particular presidential candidates.

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