Florent Peyre, soon a 2nd child? His convictions evolve, he explains himself…

Comedian Florent Peyre revealed on the show We only ask to laugh by Laurent Ruquier is back with a new show called Florent Peyre Nature, a show largely in favor of ecology, a cause that the actor and comedian carries high in his heart. The one who had admitted not wanting more than one child to protect the environment, returned to the links between his commitment and his paternity in the columns of here is.

First questioned about the practice of ecology, Florent Peyre, 41, said he had shaken up his life for the planet. “I stopped the scooter, we buy in bulk, we eat local and seasonal products. So sure, we spend many months eating apples, pears, potatoes and leeks… but too bad, eating tomatoes in December is out of the question, he said before continuing, and I’m happy because we realize that by educating our son about ecology, he has already acquired reflexes. For example, he knows that the components of industrial cakes are not good for health.

A son marius6 years old, whom Florent Peyre considered as his first and last when he declared for Tele-entertainment : “We are already quite numerous on Earth, I tell myself that one child per family is already good. Between the Covid and global warming, the atmosphere is a bit special… Inevitably, we divide consumption. Because washable diapers are still a real problem.” A resolution which, it seems, is no longer relevant for the comedian married to Virginie Stref. “I thought about it and I tell myself that, on the one hand, having a child multiplies consumption, but at the same time, if I have another and raise him like Marius, that could be good… so nothing is closed” he explained for our colleagues from here is.

The actor, who claims to have had a “ecological trigger by reading 2 degrees too much by Yann Arthus-Bertrand” entrusted the staging of his show to Eric Métayer, while the music is composed by Pascal Obispo.

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