Florent Pagny with cancer: what he tried to maintain until the end, in vain

On January 25, Florent Pagny took to his Instagram account to announce disturbing news. The 60-year-old singer has lung cancer inoperable. Thus, it is through chemotherapy that he is trying to heal, the first sessions of which have already begun and which he will continue over the next six months. Inevitably, the coach of The Voice was then forced to revise its schedule. It was notably planned that he would start a tour across France and it was with great difficulty that he resolved to cancel it. Because at the start, Florent Pagny had good hopes of maintaining his dates on stage, despite the recommendations of health professionals.

It was hard for him to have to cancel the tour because when I got him on the phone after hearing the sad news, he confided to me that he had done everything to try to maintain the tour in spite of everything. He first said to himself: ‘no, but it doesn’t matter, I’ll do the chemo between the dates’“, reported Anne Sila during an interview for Femininethe candidate of The Voice whom he coached twice in 2015 and 2021.

Anne Sila was quick to hear from Florent Pagny once his illness was revealed. Very close to him, she recognizes him “an incredible force of hope“.”He’s so strong, you wonder what he can’t accomplish and at the same time, he’s calm, collected and thoughtful. He has a wonderful way of living things.“, she confided to our colleagues.

The young artist is far from being the only one to surround and accompany Florent Pagny during this difficult ordeal. Azucena Caamano’s husband is indeed overwhelmed by the love of his family but also of Internet users in recent weeks. “He told me : ‘the love I’m getting right now from everyone, it’s so big maybe that’s what helps me“said Anne Sila. And for her to send a touching message to her friend: “I want to tell him that we love him and that we are with him, but I think he knows it. He is someone who is capable of anything, really.

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