Florent Pagny with cancer: unexpected return to the stage, in full chemotherapy

Indochine, Zazie, Jane Birkin, Clara Luciani, Julien Clerc, Barbara Pravi, Carla Bruni, Franco-Georgian pianist Khatia Buniatishvili… Many artists will support Ukraine and the Red Cross on Tuesday evening. As detailed The Parisian of this March 8, 2022, a great solidarity concert will be broadcast from 9 p.m. on France 2, TV5 Monde and France Inter. An evening called United for Ukraine which will be hosted by Nagui and Leila Kaddour live, in the presence of an audience, from the Maison de la radio in Paris.

The mobilization is such that even Florent Pagny will be there, while he is currently fighting lung cancer. The 60-year-old artist will perform solo If a song and he will sing the title There is not a man who was born for this, in duet with his friend Pascal Obispo. “At a time when social networks and continuous information constantly send us images of war, it is also good to send images of peace“, commented the latter, with the Parisian.

The presence of Florent Pagny is all the more surprising since he started chemotherapy a few weeks ago, he who is facing an inoperable tumor, discovered at the start of the year. Passing through the show We are live on March 5, Pascal Obispo had given his news and hinted that his friend had started “a third series of treatments”. Since he announced his cancer at the end of January, the coach of The Voice repeatedly testified to his determination and optimism. “When it’s taken from the start and it’s very isolated, I only see the good side of things. I started chemo and it’s not going badly, I’m taking it pretty well”he confided in the TF1 8 p.m. news on February 10.

Florent Pagny will therefore draw on his strength to get back on stage, surrounded by several artist friends, for a solidarity evening combining pop music and classical music. As Nagui explained to Parisianthis great musical evening was organized in just five days, when it usually takes “more than a month of preparation“for this kind of event.”This is not a political show, although everyone will be free to say what they want. No artist comes on sale. They are just there to show solidarity and raise funds for the Red Cross“, he clarified. There will also be dancing, with a performance in duo, on the Swan LakeUkrainian dancer Denys Cherevychko and Russian dancer Olga Chelpanova.

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