Florent Pagny with cancer: one of his Talents from The Voice “stressed” by his last message

Nour and Lou will therefore give everything to make Florent Pagny even prouder than they had expected. After joining his team in The Voice, the two candidates have forged links with him. Learning about his illness was therefore a crushing blow. Especially since they were deprived of any link with him for long weeks: “His message has me a little stressed and upset, specifies No, still at the Parisian. We haven’t had contact since filming the super cross battles in February.. But we weren’t looking for it either. We knew he was focused on his treatment and recovery.

Remission would not be very far away according to the words of Florent Pagny. If his physical appearance has changed significantly, Azucena’s husband keeps his spirits up and multiplies the good news: “The protocol worked rather well since from the first two chemos, the immunotherapy – my tumor which was as big as a kiwi turned into a nut -, so right away, we kicked things off with radiotherapy and more intensive chemotherapy. (…) It went very well because I was very well supported medically, I was very well supported by my other half and my children. And then there was this phenomenon of synchronicity with these thousands of messages and testimonies, of love, of support, of good vibes. Let him be ready, the public is not about to let him go!

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