Florent Pagny with cancer: his future in The Voice uncertain

Florent Pagny is ill. Suffering from inoperable lung cancer at the age of 60, the singer did not want to hide it from anyone. If he kept the news to himself at first, he ended up revealing the information in a touching video posted on his Instagram account. This Thursday, February 10, the coach of The Voice agreed to confide a little more on the set of the 8 p.m. of TF1 presented by Gilles Bouleau. Touched by the support of his singer friends and the many fans who saluted his courage on social networks, he spoke about his current state of health but also what was going to happen in the coming months, in particular concerning the lives of The Voice.

The show returns on February 12 for an 11th season. If part of the program has already been recorded, numbers will be broadcast live in a few months. Will Florent Pagny be present? If Gilles Bouleau obviously very much wants to see him on set, the artist has remained much more moderate: “Ah but there, in May, I don’t know! I still have six months of chemo. I will finish in May but I don’t know how I will be after six months. For now, the first chemo is going well, but hey, anything can happen too. Maybe in May, I’ll be impeccable and then maybe in May, I’m tired and that’s it… We’ll organize!

What is certain is that Florent Pagny can count on the support of his wife Azucena. They met in the early 1990s. After a criticized romance with Vanessa Paradis, the singer crosses paths with the Argentinian model and dreams of going a long way with her. The beginnings are laborious because if Florent Pagny is an ace of music, as far as flirting is concerned, we are approaching level zero: “As soon as he spoke to me, I had the impression that he was attacking me“, confided even Azucena to the magazine Gala. By dint of perseverance and thanks to the help of a mutual friend, Florent Pagny ended up conquering the heart of his beautiful.

This beautiful story that began in 1993 is still relevant today. The couple started a family. Parents of two beautiful children, Inca and Aël, born in 1996 and 1999, Florent Pagny and Azucena passed the ring on their finger in 2006. That day, the lovers promised each other love and fidelity, in health as in sickness. Promise kept: the latter has just knocked on their door and it is more united than ever that they have decided to face him. The fight promises to be tough and tough but together, it’s well known, we’re much stronger. Simply Know how to love.

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