Florent Pagny takes great care with his protege Anne Sila, the ex-candidate of “The Voice” reveals the delicate attention of the singer after a terrible attack!

Anne Sila is one of the artists who has undoubtedly conquered the crowds on TF1. Revealed in 2015 thanks to the show “The Voice”, the main interested party unleashed passions six years later with the “All Stars” season. In addition to her talent, the singer also marked viewers with her incredible look. the hair was a well-considered choice.”I have heard, it may be completely false, that Indians have long hair because they consider that there are memories in the hair. May our hair remember our memories. Suffice to say that obviously at the time of my first The Voice, after what I had experienced, I did not necessarily want to keep my memories…”, analyzed Anne Sila in the program 50’min Inside on TF1.

A few months before going through the blind auditions, the young woman was the victim of domestic violence: “I went through a very difficult ordeal in 2014 just before I did the auditions for The Voice… In fact, the person I was very much in love with took a delirious puff […] And stabbed me. I had to deal with all that physical and mental pain afterwards.”

A terrible drama that she initially entrusted to Florent Pagny who has always supported her. Shocked by her secrets, Azucena Caamaño’s husband offered her rosehip oil known for its regenerating properties. “I was afraid to go on stage. Florent remained very calm, very attentive. He offered me some rosehip oil that he makes with his wife in Argentina. He didn’t say much, just, ‘It’s for the scars,'” confessed Anne Sila to our colleagues at Parisian this Saturday, March 12, 2022. “I found that very fine on his part. Florent is the one who told me: ‘Music doesn’t hurt. Go ahead !'”.


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