Florent Pagny suffering from cancer, news on his fragile health finally revealed

On January 25, Florent Pagny announced sad news on the Web. In a very sober video, the coach of “The Voice” announced that he was going to have to give up his tour for his 60th birthday. The reason ? The singer revealed that he had inoperable lung cancer. “I have a problem, but I find out very early, I’m grade 1, it’s something I’ve had for between 3 and 6 months. I only have one tumor, I don’t have no metastasis, I have nothing in other organs”, he explained. An announcement, which had greatly moved all the French. Despite the severity of his illness, Florent Pagny has decided to fight and to do everything possible to heal as quickly as possible. According to new information, the state of health of the interpreter of “My Freedom of Thought”, would be much better. Florent Pagny’s fight would gradually begin to bear fruit.

After two months of intensive treatment, the tumor lodged in the lung of Florent Pagny would have already reduced by half. For the moment, the singer would have carried out 30 sessions of chemotherapy out of the fifty planned. According to a source close to the coach of “The Voice”, ihe would react rather well to the heavy treatment to which he is subjected. A rare thing for the vast majority of patients who suffer from vomiting, severe headaches and lack of appetite. For the moment, this information should be taken with caution since it has not been confirmed by the person concerned or by his relatives.

Ael Pagny: “Everything is fine !”

Despite his cancer, Florent Pagny wanted to film the new season of “The Voice”. Last March, he also participated in the charity concert organized to support the Ukrainian people at war against Russia, broadcast on France 2. If news of the French star is rare, the daughter of Florent Pagny, Aël, gave some details about his father’s condition. On Instagram, she answered a question from one of her followers on this subject: “How is your dad ?”, “Everything is fine. Thank you for all your messages”, had reassured the young woman by revealing a video of her parents eating ice cream.

See also: Florent Pagny, the time when the singer lost everything…

Helene Bardeau

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