Florent Pagny suffering from cancer and affected by Covid-19: the filming of The Voice impacted

This Saturday, April 2, 2022 will begin the first battles of The Voice on TF1. On the sidelines of the broadcast of the first episode, the MYTF1 platform has decided to share a preview of the coaching sessions of the coaches, in particular that of Florent Pagny.

Having recruited 15 talents in his team instead of 14 during blind auditions, the 60-year-old singer had to compose a battle of three people, for which he chose to bring together Natalie, Jade and Maggy. In the video available on the Web, we discover that their learning session turned out to be very special and for good reason, Florent Pagny was unfortunately affected by Covid-19 during filming last January. Indeed, as evidenced by the images, it was by videoconference that he delivered his valuable advice to the candidates.

You have been warned… I’m like everyone else, I took the Covid, I’m positive“, he said in video. And to his surprise, he was not the only one. Indeed, his Talent Jade was also in video. “I see that Jade is also like everyone else and has caught the Covid!“, he dropped amused by the situation.

On the other hand, it is with great seriousness that Florent Pagny took on his role as coach and invested himself at all costs. Ten days later, the artist was able to see that their efforts had paid off by actually attending the rehearsals of Natalie, Jade and Maggy. He was even blown away. “It’s extraordinary, you are warriors, we have material there. It’s impressive !“, he dropped several times after having listened to his team for the first time on the complicated and cult title of Aretha Franklin, Think.

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