Florent Pagny soon back on stage? A famous animator confides in the singer

Mobilization operations to fight against breast cancer are numerous in October, also called “Pink October” for the occasion. But Nagui wanted to broaden the scope of action by hosting a program Taratata 100% Live to help and support the fight against cancer in general. On the program: performances by Zazie, Pascal Obispo, Marc Lavoine and even Patrick Bruel. Florent Pagny, also suffering from cancer, had to be present too. His coming will ultimately not take place.

Nagui confided in this special program in the columns of Provence. And he explained the reasons why Florent Pagny will not be by his side: “We had imagined that it would be really nice to have him with us for this evening.” he specified. Nevertheless, the husband of Mélanie Page preferred to directly brush aside the suspicions of relapse. “Everything is going well for him currently but he needed to be in top form to ensure two hours of live. And then he’s not in France at the moment“, he concluded.

It is in Patagonia in Argentina, where Florent Pagny was able to find his children Inca, 26 years old and Aël, 23 years old, that the singer enjoys a well-deserved rest with his wife Azucena. In remission, the artist can breathe for some time before facing a series of control examinations to ensure that the disease does not regain ground. It was last January that he announced the bad news to his fans on Instagram: “I have just been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in the lung, which cannot be operated on. I have to go into a six-month protocol of chemotherapy and X-rays. I’m going to put myself in warrior mode to face this rather special ordeal.

This fight, Florent Pagny led it with an iron fist, well surrounded and above all full of positivity. Over the months, the interpreter of Know how to love gave his news in full transparency to his fans, despite a different physical appearance due to the treatments and a present fatigue. Aware of having supporters behind him, Florent Pagny wanted to keep his audience informed of the progress of his war against cancer. A tough confrontation after which battery charging is more than essential.

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