Florent Pagny: His sister Marie-Pascale Giunta is also a singer, the deal he made with her…

Florent Pagny is in the spotlight this Wednesday, October 19 on France 4. The documentary Florent Pagny, the naked voice written by Didier Varrod and Nicolas Maupied will be available on the channel from 9:10 p.m. The career and popularity of the 60-year-old singer who is recovering from lung cancer will be deciphered through television archives, a long interview with him and acoustic covers of his greatest songs.

During this summary of his life, there is no doubt that Florent Pagny will mention his family who have always supported him, he who comes from a family of four children. He has an older brother, Frédéric, an older sister Marie-Pierre and a younger sister, Marie-Pascal Giunta. And with the latter, he shares his passion for music.

Like her brother, Marie-Pascale Giunta has always wanted to evolve in the world of song and, at the age of 16, she was already thinking of following in the footsteps of Florent Pagny who had left Chalon-sur-Saône for the capital. “I wanted to join Florent in Paris. I repeated this over and over again to my mother“, she reported to Éric Le Bourhis, author of the book Florent Pagny – Portrait of an eternal rebel.

Marie-Pascale Giunta will have succeeded in going to the end of her desire and, in 1990, Florent Pagny decided to help her start her career by offering her the opportunity to become one of its choristers. At the time, he had already been successful for three years and had just released his first album Thanks, certified gold. It was a real bet he was making with his little sister, then inexperienced. That’s why he made a deal with her. “I had never done that. The deal was: ‘We give you a microphone, you manage. If it goes well, if not, too bad‘”Marie-Pascal had still remembered in the pages of the biographical book on Florent Pagny.

Fortunately for her, everything went very well. So much so that brother and sister had the opportunity to collaborate together afterwards. Always as a chorister, Marie-Pascal Giunta put her voice on the famous titles of Florent Pagny Welcome to my homereleased in 1995, and Know how to lovein 1997.

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