Florent Pagny facing cancer: reassuring reappearance, a photo revealed

At the end of January 2022. Florent Pagny, usually shy on social networks, made a thunderous announcement: “I was just diagnosed with a tumor in my lung, a not very sympathetic cancerous tumor that cannot be operated on, so I have to go into a 6 month protocol of chemotherapy and x-rays. I’m sorry, but you all know that in life, the most important thing is health” he confided on his Instagram account Azucena’s husband then focused on this fight, canceling all the concerts of his 60th anniversary tour but nevertheless ensuring the live bonuses of The Voice.

The protocol coming to an end, it is again on Instagram that Florent Pagny took the floor, words full of optimism, promising an imminent recovery. This is at least all that the relatives of the singer and his community of fans, numerous on the Web, want. Every news of their idol is good to take. So when a photo of Aël and Inca’s father, smiling ear to ear, bouquet of flowers in hand, is unveiled, his audience can only be overwhelmed: “So nice you deserve so much for all the happiness of your songs“, “You deserve all the flowers on earth“, “Glad to see you’re doing well“, “Good luck Florent. I admire you.

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