Florence Price, ORF Orchestra and John Jete

John Jeter, who led us to rediscover Florence Price, began his recording of the Symphony notoh3 March 12, 2020! During the 13-month hiatus, on May 25, 2020, George Floyd died, and the rehabilitation of the symbolic African-American composer was taken over by Yannick Nézet-Séguin. This CD therefore clashes with the DG release of the Symphonies nbone 1 and 3 engraved in Philadelphia with notable luxury and added value, recording available on CD since January. Jeter’s disk is therefore valid for its complements. Mississippi River (26 minutes, 1934) is sometimes reminiscent of silent film music. There are also many melodies of Spirituals. The work follows by 11 years the excellent Mississippi Suite by Ferde Grofé, coupling idea for a competing version that would fit into less dry acoustics. Ethiopia’s Shadow in America (12 minutes, 1932) describes the burden of slavery, resignation and then adaptation to the new land. These musical sketches suit Florence Price very well.

Florence Price



ORF Orchestra, John Jeter. Naxos 8,559,897

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