Florence Foresti tired of the Marais district in Paris, she makes revelations

Florence Foresti will soon be back on stage with a new show entitled “Boys boys boys”. To promote this show, the comedian multiple interviews and television appearances. On September 15, she was on the set of the program “En aparté” broadcast on Canal +.

The comedian confided in his daily life in the Marais district of Paris: “I have an attachment to this district” she confessed, referring to her arrival in the capital a few years ago to “play [théâtre] du Point-Virgule”, she who lived in Lyon before that. Florence Foresti reveals that she lived in the Marais in order to facilitate her travels in her early days and that she therefore settled in rue de Turenne. “I didn’t know anything, I was really the provincial who tumbles” she launched. If she first rented a small studio, she quickly became attached to the neighborhood. “Every time I tried to leave it for Île Saint-Louis or for the suburbs, I came back because it’s a great neighborhood” she continued. Today, her speech has changed and she is sorry that the fact of Paris is starting to “be difficult”.

Florence Foresti ready to leave the capital with her new darling?
Mother of a little girl named Toni, would Florence Foresti be ready to leave the capital she loves so much? As a reminder, the 48-year-old comedian now has perfect love with Alexandre Kimonek, a 33-year-old young man who, like her, is a comedian.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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