Floods in Pas-de-Calais: after the floods, residents fear burglaries


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Floods in Pas-de-Calais: after the floods, residents fear burglaries

In Pas-de-Calais, many residents had to desert their homes. Now they fear burglaries. So, some are mobilizing by doing citizen patrols. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – T. Cuny, V. Ghiri, J. Cohen-Olivieri

France Televisions

In Pas-de-Calais, many residents had to desert their homes. Now they fear burglaries. So, some are mobilizing by doing citizen patrols.

At The Doulacin Pas-de-Calais, they carefully examine the smallest house. They are neither police officers nor security guards. They are disaster victims. For fear of being robbed, they patrol every day after dark. “Some have left their homes and are unable to monitor them. (…) We are there for them and also for us, because we don’t want to be robbed.” explains Fabien Of Clercqstricken.

Police patrols

Every unknown person is considered suspicious for them. They say they do not intervene themselves and notify the police if necessary. In Saint-Omer, a resident checks if the openings of the family home have not been forced. She fears evil visits. “I come three, four times a day to see if nothing has changed, nothing has moved. (…) We sleep very little at night. We are upset”she says.

Houses that are isolated and temporarily abandoned by their occupants are prime targets for burglars. The police are therefore increasing their patrols. Near Boulogne-sur-Mer, they go from pavilion to pavilion. The presence of the military reassures the residents. So far, no theft has been observed.

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