Floods in Libya: “children are the first victims”, assures the president of Unicef ​​France



Video length:
2 min


Floods in Libya have caused significant casualties, including children. On the set of 19/20 info, Tuesday September 12, Adeline Hazan, president of Unicef ​​France, explains the various actions of the organization.

Sunday September 10, storm Daniel hit Libya, a country in quasi war civil. On the set of 19/20 info, Tuesday, Adeline Hazanpresident ofUnicef France, explains: “The political situation in Libya and Morocco have nothing to do with each other. But what we can say is that in both cases, these are two terrible disasters, where children are the first victims.” Currentlythe organization has 70 people in Libya working in the country. So, on site, the teams are used to working with the authorities.

Water, a big priority

“The teams ofUnicef Libya are currently assessing the damage and needs. They are ready to help the government.”assures the manager. She indicates that “the priorities are clear”as in “all humanitarian disasters”. The main issue is water. “We have programs Wash. […] We train engineers. We train in the operation of desalination plants”explains the specialist who recalls that the other priority “these are the children.”

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