Floods in British Columbia | Abbotsford Canucks postpone two games

(Abbotsford) Following flooding in the area, the Abbotsford Canucks of the American Hockey League have postponed games that were scheduled for Friday and Sunday against the Bakersfield Condors.

These matches will take place on January 5 and 10.

The area is plagued by severe flooding and landslides, which occurred over the weekend.

Approximately 1,000 properties are subject to evacuation, including large dairy and chicken farms.

British Columbia has declared a state of emergency.

“Our hearts go out to all those affected by the extreme flooding and emergency conditions of the past few days,” said Abbotsford Canucks chief operating officer Rob Mullowney.

“We live and work in these communities and we are extremely grateful to the frontline workers who keep everyone safe. ”

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