Flood risks | A dozen bodies of water under surveillance

(Montreal) Rainfall is expected in several regions of Quebec this weekend and about ten bodies of water are under continuous surveillance by Public Security due to the risk of flooding.

Updated yesterday at 4:17 p.m.

Stephane Blais
The Canadian Press

In the Outaouais, the persistent rain of the last few days has caused minor flooding on Friday in the Gatineau River, at the level of the Route 366 bridge, but at a press conference in the middle of the afternoon, Mayor France Bélisle wanted to reassure citizens by indicating “that we are no longer in emergency mode, but surveillance”, while specifying that citizens should not let their guard down.

Denis Doucet, director of the Gatineau Fire Department, mentioned that the emergency measures coordination center remains mobilized “several times a day”.

He added that “water levels continue to be measured” and that if emergency teams “have any doubts” about major flooding, information will be quickly communicated to citizens.

Thanks to the different models of the emergency teams, the authorities have “several hours in advance to be able to communicate to the population and get back into ’emergency’ mode”, affirmed Bernard Doucet.

The municipal administration asked local residents to collect sandbags, erect dikes and prepare a 72-hour emergency kit while obtaining information on the City’s website.

Significant precipitation in Haute-Mauricie and Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean

Precipitation should be particularly heavy in Haute-Mauricie and in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region, according to André Monette, head of the meteorological service at Météomedia.

“This is where we are still predicting a lot of precipitation and there has already been a lot, so as there are rivers whose level is quite high, it will be something to watch out for,” André Monette told La Presse. Canadian.

The meteorologist stressed Friday morning that it will be necessary to be on the lookout in “the next 24 hours”, but that the level of the rivers should decrease after the weekend.

The Ministry of Public Security is also asking citizens in certain regions to stay on the lookout.

Camille Simard, public relations officer for the ministry, indicated that the regions which are particularly monitored are “the Outaouais up to Haute-Mauricie, the Laurentides wildlife reserve, the Saguenay and for Gaspésie and Sept-Îles, we expect between 50 70 millimeters of rain until Saturday afternoon, so obviously that could have an impact on the waterways”.

Camille Simard clarified, Friday afternoon, “that there is no major impact which is anticipated for the moment and that there are no residences which are affected nor citizens for the moment”.

Waterways monitored by Public Security

Waterways monitored by Public Security

  • Outaouais: Gatineau River, minor flooding was reported
  • Bas-Saint-Laurent: the Cascapedia River, minor flooding has been reported
  • Côte-Nord: the Petit Mécatina River upstream of the Nétagaminou
  • Eastern Townships: Lake Memphremagog in Magog
  • Laurentians: the Lièvre River at Lac-Saint-Paul
  • Montérégie: Lake Saint-Louis in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue
  • Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean: Lac-Saint-Jean in Roberval
  • Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean: the Rivière aux Sables upstream of the Cepal complex suspension bridge
  • Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean: the Ouiatchouan River downstream from the Commissaires dam
  • Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean: the Shipshaw River

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