Flogny la Chapelle, world capital of gougère

Saint-Hubert Chapel

The municipality of Flogny-la-Chapelle features two churches.

Saint-Hubert chapel © Radio France
Karine Decalf
Saint-Hubert chapel
Saint-Hubert chapel © Radio France
Karine Decalf

The Saint Hubert church is located in the former town of The Old Forest Chapel and it is dedicated to the patron saint of hunters.

The municipal library

The library of Flogny la Chapelle offers a large selection of more than 5,000 books in all genres, to borrow or read on site, as well as a generous CD section.

The municipal library
The municipal library © Radio France
Karine Decalf
Sylvie Govin from the library of Flogny la Chapelle
Sylvie Govin from the library of Flogny la Chapelle © Radio France
Karine Decalf

The library regularly organizes exhibitions and events.

The pastry bakery “Les Epris”

In Love, Christophe Berthereau, invites you to discover its gourmet specialties, whether savory or sweet.

Bakery pastry
Bakery and pastry “Les Epris” in Flogny la Chapelle © Radio France
Karine Decalf
Christophe Berthereau, pastry bakery
Christophe Berthereau, pastry bakery “Les Epris” © Radio France
Karine Decalf

The opportunity for us to talk about the famous gougère which made the reputation of Flogny la Chapelle.

The gougère, specialty of Flogny la Chapelle
The gougère, specialty of Flogny la Chapelle

Charles Laubry

Born November 11, 1872 in Saint Florentin and died August 11, 1960 in Flogny la Chapelle, Charles Laubry is a French physician and cardiologist inventor of the tensiometer and of the French Society of Cardiology.

Charles Laubry
Charles Laubry
House of Charles Laubry in Flogny La Chapelle
House of Charles Laubry in Flogny La Chapelle © Radio France
Karine Decalf

Thomas’ cheeses

behind the sign “Thomas’ cheeses” we find Thomas Bourriquet .

Thomas Bourriquet and Benjamin Lemaire
Thomas Bourriquet and Benjamin Lemaire © Radio France
Karine Decalf

Thomas Bourriquet is a cheese maker, in his shop in Auxerre near the quays, or on the Yonne markets where he is present, he offers a wide selection of cheeses. The great classics, regional cheeses, but not only…

Aging cellars "Thomas' cheeses"
“Thomas cheese” maturing cellars © Radio France
Karine Decalf
Cheese “The Thunder” © Radio France
Karine Decalf

Also discover his house creations … and let yourself be advised and surprised by a true lover of cheese and his profession!

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