flight from Israel targeted in Dagestan



Video duration:
1 minute

War between Israel and Hamas: flight from Israel targeted in Dagestan

A crowd of people attacked an airport in Dagestan. They were looking to attack Israeli travelers who had just landed. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – L.Lacroix, @RevelateursFTV

France Televisions

A crowd of people attacked an airport in Dagestan. They were looking to attack Israeli travelers who had just landed.

Several hundred people forced the doors of an airport in Dagestan until they gave way. Once through the gates, Palestinian flags in hand, they begin a hunt and look for passengers on a flight from Israel. Then, the rioters invade the tarmac. It is then panic for the passengers who see them arriving and who remain locked in the planes for hours.

No passengers injured

The attackers did not stop there, and climbed onto the wings of the planes. A little further on, a man spots a bus aside. To defend themselves, passengers presented their Russian passports. On site since the start of the rally, the police only intervened after a few hours. The Israeli Embassy in Russia confirms that no passengers were injured.

source site-29