Flight 752: families of victims react to court ruling

The families of some of the victims of a downed airliner crashed by the Iranian military two years ago, along with their legal team, hold a press conference on Tuesday to discuss the court ruling in give them millions of dollars in compensation.

An Ontario court awarded more than $ 107 million to the families of six victims.

In a statement on Monday, lawyers called the damages decision “unprecedented in the history of Canadian law.”

The judgment released follows a previous ruling that Iran’s missile fire was an act of intentional terrorism, paving the way for the families of the victims to seek compensation from the responsible country.

Last May, Ontario Superior Court Judge Edward Belobaba found, on a balance of probabilities, that the missiles that shot down Ukraine International Airlines operated Flight 752 on January 8, 2020 were fired deliberately at one point. where there was no armed conflict in the region.

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