Raymond Berthillon
Raymond Berthillon, the famous ice cream maker from Île Saint-Louisin Paris, died in 2014 at the age of 90.
Born in Fleury-la-Valléehe started with the bakery, in 1940, in Nitry. The Berthillon Housenow located on the Ile de la Citée in Paris, is a real reference in terms of delicacies and is known throughout the world.
Saint-Loup church
Saint Loup church in Fleury la Vallée built in the 15th century is disproportionate. It is the largest in the canton with nearly 45m long.
– Karine Decalf
It had a turbulent history and in the 16th century it became a Protestant temple before becoming Catholic again at the time of the Counter-Reformation in the 17th century.
– Karine Decalf
– Karine Decalf
The Counter-Reformation which wishes it, voluntarily, in opposition to Protestant precepts; that is to say, beautiful, grandiose, worthy of God… “We must mark the spirit of the inhabitants!”
Michèle Porta, professional photographer
Since 1982 Michele Porta settled in as freelance photographer in Fleury la Vallée after having worked for numerous press agencies, newspapers and magazines.
– Karine Decalf
She is the author of numerous exhibitions and works such as “Faces of Burgundy”a book published by “Le Cherche Midi éditor” in collaboration with “Les locales de Radio France”.
She regularly organizes photography courses open to all.
The restaurant “L’Envol” in Branches
The restaurant “The Flight” in Branches is the restaurant of theAuxerre-Branches airport where you can eat while enjoying the ballet of planes on the runway.
– Karine Decalf
– Karine Decalf
A simple and generous cuisine homemade and made with local products … What more !
Asparagus from Fleury la Vallée
The land of Fleury la Vallée has always been market gardening …. A light and sandy soil that is perfect for growing asparagus.
– Patrice Caillet
The GAEC Desmoutiers Breton in Branches.
GAEC Desmoutiers Breton is a goat farm that is part of the network ” Welcome to the farm “. More than 200 dairy goats produce a whole range of cheeses, but also delicious goat’s milk ice cream !
– Karine Decalf
– Karine Decalf
Products that you can find in the Farm shop, 10 rue Cadoux in Branches but also on the Yonne markets : Auxerre, Joigny, Saint Florentin, Migennes, Aillant sur Tholon and Appoigny.
– Karine Decalf
A farm that you can also visit by appointment.