Flavors with France Bleu Lorraine

The principle of the travel cake is to keep, there is no cream for example. Jean Sebastien Mengin gave us a basic recipe for the most famous travel cake: the cake. We then went further with the Nancy visitandine recipe thanks to Fabrice Gwisdak, the baker on rue Raugraff in Nancy.

And we also revealed the recipe for Nancy’s cake: a chocolate travel cake that is over 100 years old…

Our leader

Jean Sebastien MENGIN is chef and owner of Les Pissenlits, a restaurant on rue des ponts in Nancy.

Our culinary expert

Maxime, from the show the best pastry chef, gave us his version of a cake that looks like the “little schoolboy”

One day a trade

Today we stop at the vegetable garage, which brings together local producers and offers seasonal products. Right now we find the last tomatoes, the first squash and leeks…

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