Another lesson from this British study carried out on 150 breeds and crosses: females tend to live a little longer than males.
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It is better to be small with a long snout than large with a flat face: a British scientific study, published Thursday February 1, reveals that small dogs with long snouts, such as the whippet greyhound and the toy dachshund, live longer than large-faced breeds. plate of the English bulldog type. In recent years, these breeds with crushed snouts have been popular with enthusiasts: the French bulldog is, for example, the breed most appreciated by Americans, according to a recent ranking.
However, their life expectancies are modest compared to others: only 9.8 years compared to 12.5 on average for other dogs. The cause, in particular, is their short noses, which are nevertheless so cute: brachycephals – this is their scientific name – tend to suffer from significant respiratory problems (due to obstruction of the airways).
Abandonments are increasing
To arrive at these conclusions, researchers analyzed data collected on more than half a million dogs from 150 breeds and crossbreeds across the United Kingdom, in order to guide future owners in their acquisitions. It’s the first study to examine variations in life expectancy based on such a wide range of factors, including race, height, facial shape and gender, says author Kirsten McMillan main part of the study published in the journal Scientific Reports.
The dogs with the longest life expectancy are Lancashire Heeler (15.4 years) followed by Tibetan Spaniels (15.2 years) and Miniature Dachshunds (14 years), according to the study. Females tend to live slightly longer than males, with a life expectancy of 12.7 years compared to 12.4 years. The results of the study highlight, according to British associations, a real “health and wellness crisis” for these dogs who may suffer from recurring health problems and also report increasing numbers of abandonments.