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The Lépine competition rewarded several inventions on Sunday, May 7. Some will see the light of day, such as these bollards intended to secure pedestrian crossings. Its inventor, an Ardéchois, had won the gold medal in 2021. They have just been installed in Ucel, in his region.
At the exit of a roundabout in Ucel (Ardèche), a pedestrian crossing is framed by two flashing bollards. As soon as a passerby steps forward, the light system is triggered. The alert is given, and the motorist must then stop to let him pass. Each of the terminals is equipped with a sensor.
Safe crossing
“What’s interesting is that they detect the pedestrian before he crosses. So when we show up, the lighting system turns on, and the pedestrians are visible to the motorist, and we can cross in safely”, explains Jérôme Saez, inventor of the JLS pedestrian terminal. France has 450 fatal pedestrian accidents every year, most of them in urban areas. These terminals are more reactive, and better visible to drivers.