five years after the beginning of the movement, what have been the changes for women?



France 3

Article written by

A. Lay, E. Sizarols, A. Dupont, A. Canestraro – France 3

France Televisions

In 2017, the MeToo movement erupted in the United States, revealing widespread sexual violence against women. If speech has since been released, the violence persists.

Five years after the MeToo movement, how has the cause of women evolved? Awareness sessions are organized with entrepreneurs. “It’s good to talk about it, because indeed it can, perhaps, make people aware that in certain companies, there are abuses”, assures a man. The trainer is happy to be able to give this conference. MeToo began in 2017 with the harassment accusations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

Women who have been harassed are invited by actress Alyssa Milano to write “me too” on social networks. The keyword is used 17 million times and declined in France with #Balancetonporc. The rapes, touching and harassment have finally been made public. “With MeToo, there was a kind of collective awakening”, assures a woman. Others point out that the violence continues. In 2021, in France, 122 women were killed by their partner or ex, which represents 20% more than in 2020.

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