Five unusual activities to strengthen bonds between employees

This text is part of the special Team Building notebook

Are you looking to step outside of the usual team building event framework? Here are immersive activities to experience in surprising environments or in innovative formats.

Noisy bodies: the new genre of improvisation

For more introverted people, improvising can be intimidating, especially in front of colleagues. But the improvisation sessions offered by Corps bruits, a team building company in Sherbrooke, have nothing of the humorous matches for which the discipline is famous, assures Charles Lapierre, co-founder.

“It’s more of a way of becoming aware of how we position ourselves in space and of working on active listening,” explains the man who is also a doctoral student in occupational psychology at the University of Sherbrooke.

The experience normally takes place over several sessions spread over a few months. Using movements and role plays, the Loud Bodies intervention approach is based on the development of relational skills, empathy, as well as sensitivity to others and to difference.

Sessions of coaching and development in small groups are also offered to manage certain challenges.

16, rue Wellington Nord, Sherbrooke

The Science Bunker: Surviving the End of the World

Imagine living in a postapocalyptic world, where your scientific knowledge will allow you to survive… or not.

This is the premise of the Science Bunker in Lévis, where around twenty adaptive games are offered to school, business and general public customers.

“When everything needs to be rebuilt, any excuse is good to resort to science,” explains David Bertrand, co-founder and owner of the company.

The Science Bunker offers several scenarios inspired by escape games – we use the term invasion game here – or the apocalypse. Riddles, investigations, construction and logic games: everything is designed to warm up the spirits.

“Basically, we are science communication enthusiasts and we were looking to democratize science,” relates Mr. Bertrand.

In order to end the day well — or to kick off a party office —, molecular cocktails are offered in the Bunker Lookout. This reception room is reminiscent of a 19th century British cabinet of curiosities.e century. It is also possible to organize corporate evenings there by renting the postapocalyptic bunker, for an event with an end-of-the-world flavor.

5935, rue Saint-Laurent, Lévis

Kronos Experience: the advantages of technology

Having become commonplace since the pandemic, teleworking certainly has advantages. However, the feeling of belonging to an organization and relationships between colleagues suffered.

To strengthen bonds between members of the same team, despite the fact that they rarely see each other in person, if at all, Kronos Experience offers team building activities taking place virtually. An avenue that can also be useful if the company has several offices in different regions.

Lasting 2.5 hours, the Operation UV experience takes place on Zoom with an animation team. Each participant is at home, but will have to leave their home to take part in the game in which everyone collaborates on “a revolutionary study on solar particles”.

The company also offers two scenarios of team building face-to-face, namely a rescue mission to find a colleague who has been kidnapped, and an occult adventure, where it is necessary at all costs to prevent a dark prophecy from coming true.

With Safari Cocktail, teammates discover unsuspected aspects of their colleagues thanks to an augmented reality application.

Quiz Room: a fun tournament

Present in Montreal, and soon in Quebec, the Quiz Room focuses on the fun aspect of team building, as well as the competitive nature of its members.

During a visit to the branch located on rue Saint-Denis, in Montreal, players are divided into trios or pairs. They try to win the game by correctly answering as many questions as possible before the other teams. Traps and jokers spice up the game, where personalized company themes can even be inserted.

The activity concludes with an awards ceremony for the winners and the taking of team photos as a souvenir of the event.

4201 C., rue Saint-Denis, Montreal

Home Per Intellect (HPI): illusion to stimulate minds

What if magic came to your work team? This is what Home Per Intellect (HPI) offers, which offers team building sessions through mentalism for businesses, both in French and in English.

Over three hours, one or more professional magicians will produce around ten tricks that participants can then put into practice. Teamwork comes into play to refine techniques.

HPI indicates that the techniques taught during its sessions help improve self-confidence and stress management. And this, in addition to developing communication between staff members in a fun way and encouraging individual creativity.

Enough to acquire unique skills that will amaze everyone, including outside the workplace.

This content was produced by the Special Publications team at Dutyrelating to marketing. The writing of the Duty did not take part.

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