Five things to know about the 30th La Rochelle Marathon

The 30th La Rochelle marathon starts this Sunday, November 28, after last year’s cancellation due to Covid-19. Health safety at the heart of this anniversary edition, for which the organizers promise “surprises” for runners and the public. Here are five things to know about this event, one of the most popular in France.

  • 13,000 participants, and surprises

To celebrate this 30th anniversary, the organizers have undoubtedly gone to the maximum of the capacity of this La Rochelle marathon. 8,000 runners will set off at 9 a.m. in the queen event of the marathon, the other 5000 are distributed over the other events. They will be 3,000 in particular on the 10km, the start of which will be given at 8.45am, with for the first time this year, a finish on the same blue carpet as the marathoners. Precision: 3,200 runners registered last year reported their participation over this year.
“Do not miss the time of departure and that of the arrival of the first marathoners” warn the organizers who promise “surprises”. Even more than usual, the race will be accompanied by musicians, for a festive atmosphere throughout the course.

  • Reinforced health security

Compulsory health pass for runners, as well as for the public wishing to access the race village and the finish line. At the start, the runners will have to keep their mask until crossing the starting line where they can put it in large bins. Starting airlocks split in recent years, and slightly enlarged this time, in order to improve social distancing. A new mask will be given to them when they cross the finish line.

The current record is 10 years old, set at a very high level by Kenyan John Komen in 2h07m13s during the 2011 edition. The record holder of the La Rochelle marathon is also invited this year, without any hope of winning at 44 years old. The win could be played between the Ethiopians Tsegaye Mekonnen (bib n ° 1) and Terefa Debela, and the Kenyan Edwin Soi.
As for the record, it is unlikely to fall. If the rain is not announced, the wind could play the spoilsport.

  • Six runners participated in all editions

They will be in the spotlight this weekend: six runners have participated in all editions of this La Rochelle marathon, since its creation. Most will start again this Sunday. Among them, Joël Louis, former president of the Aigrefeuille-d’Aunis athletics club, who has always felt at home in La Rochelle. “For once a year, we are the kings of the road in La Rochelle” smiles Joël Louis who, at 68, expects “a challenge” : “I have joint problems, I’m dragging myself. But with the mind, we go all the way. My only goal is to finish classified.”

  • 1,300 volunteers at the rendezvous

This is the real “treasure” on which the organization of the marathon is based, always associative, and which has only two employees. The 1,300 necessary volunteers responded this year, despite the edition canceled in 2020. A party closed ranks at the start of the summer. It is therefore volunteers who set up the marathon facilities, distribute the bibs, organize the pasta-party on Saturday evening. There are still volunteers that you will find all along the route, to control the traffic, to maintain the refreshment points.

The direct

Follow the race live by listening to France Bleu La Rochelle and in pictures on France 3.

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