five people taken into custody, including the owner of the porn site

In July 2020, the prosecution entrusted this investigation to the Paris judicial police, initiated after a report sent by Dare feminism, the Effronté-es and the movement of the Nest.

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The owner of the pornographic site Jacquie and Michel and four other people were placed in police custody on Tuesday June 14, announced the Paris prosecutor’s office. Michel Piron and his wife “were taken into custody this morning as part of a preliminary investigation” opened in July 2020, “for alleged acts of pimping, complicity in rape and complicity in sexual assault between 2009 and 2015”also said the lawyer for the Ares group, owner of the site.

In July 2020, the prosecution entrusted this investigation to the Paris judicial police, initiated after a report sent by Dare feminism, the Effronté-es and the movement of the Nest. These associations relayed the testimonies of several actresses claiming to have been forced into “sexual practices ‘out of the ordinary and painful’ when they did not consent. This report followed the broadcast in February by the Konbini site of a video entitled “the sordid backstage of amateur porn”in which two women testified to these practices.

Since the start of the investigation, “Michel Piron has always asked to be heard by the investigators and to answer their questions openly”added the lawyer. “He always said on the side of the victims if actresses suffered acts of sexual violence that he was completely unaware of.” “The Jacquie et Michel group has never produced or directed a film and is only a distributor of films made by independent producersinsisted the council of the group. Finally, pornography has never been equated with prostitution: a porn actress is not a prostitute and a director or broadcaster is not a pimp.”

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