“Five pen**s in my whole life”, Caroline Margeridon (Affaire Conclue) lets loose on her conquests

Invited on Sam Zirah’s channel for an interview In complete privacy on the YouTube platform, Caroline Margeridonone of the emblematic figures of the show Affaire Conclue spoke about his life, his journey, his recent participation in Dance with the stars but also about his intimate life.

Known for her outspokenness, she discusses all subjects without taboo.

Caroline Margeridon reveals the number of her sexual partners

Questioned by interviewer Sam Zirah, Caroline Margeridon reveals that she did not had only 5 partners during his lifee. Aged 57, she nevertheless declares havingstarted very young: “However, if you knew at what age I started, I started very young” she said, without giving more details about how old she was at the time.

Have you only known five penises? continues the celebrity journalist. “Yes, but I’ve seen a lot more dicks because I have lots of friends who aren’t modest. But bed, bed, five. The fingers of one hand.” explains Sophie Davant’s friend.

Curious to know more, Sam Zirah asks the buyer toDeal Done on France 2, if she experienced long periods of celibacy? “Yes, my record was 4 and a half years.” replies the former DALS candidate.

“I am against addiction”

And during this period, the one who participated in Dance with the stars alongside Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier “didn’t do anything at all.” During this interview, she also returned to the controversy which marked the season of the TF1 program.

I have such a full vision that I can’t…I’m against addiction, already. ” she continues. “So I’m not going to be addicted to sex, games, or… Yes, cigarettes.” ends up admitting Caroline Margeridon.

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