five new union activists summoned to the police station next week

Last September, union activists invaded the ARS in Quimper and detained the general director of the ARS for several hours during a meeting on the future of the Carhaix hospital.

Article written by

franceinfo – with France Bleu Breizh Izel

Radio France


Reading time: 1 min

Quimper police station, November 29, 2023. (AURÉLIE LAGAIN / FRANCE BLEU BREIZH IZEL)

Five new union activists are summoned next week to the Quimper police station (Finistère), as part of an investigation opened after the interruption of a meeting of the regional health agency (ARS) in September, reports Friday May 31 France Bleu Breizh Izel.

On September 14, union activists invaded the ARS in Quimper and detained the general director of the regional health agency for several hours during a meeting on the future of the Carhaix hospital. Thirteen union activists were questioned in mid-May while in police custody. More than 300 people demonstrated in support of these activists.

Concerning the new summons, these are four CGT activists and one CFDT activist. All five are also summoned to custody. The CGT and CFDT of the Carhaix hospital are already calling for support rallies in front of the Quimper police station on the day of the summons, June 4 and 12.

According to information from France Bleu, around fifty union representatives were present in mid-September to interrupt the ARS meeting. The emergency rooms of Carhaix hospital are “regulated” at night since September 4, 2023. A memorandum of understanding was signed in October to emerge from the crisis. But nothing had been decided on the reopening of emergency rooms at night.

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