five major brands singled out for their over-packaging


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

S.Feydel, S.Cardon, L.Bensimon, D.Fossard, R.Laurentin – France 2

France Televisions

Five major food brands have been singled out for over-packaging practices by two associations, which are threatening to take legal action if nothing is done.

44% vacuum in this candy wrapper, 55% for these smoked matches. This is wasteful for consumers, who avoid buying this kind of product. “He couldty have smaller packaging that uses less paper and plastic. This is unnecessary pollution”says a local resident.

Formal notice of the five brands

Two associations denounce overpackaging. They decided, Tuesday, June 27, to put five major brands on notice. They ask them to change their practices by the end of July, under penalty of filing a complaint. “We are trying to tell manufacturers that you are not respecting the law”exploitAlice Alice Elfassilawyer for Zero Waste France. “These deceptive marketing practices are reprehensible”continues Me François Lafforguelawyer for food watch.

The brands say they are thinking about the follow-up to the formal notice. In the meantime, it is advisable to look at the price per kilo rather than the volume.

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