Five films starring Gaspard Ulliel

(Paris) The actor Gaspard Ulliel, who died Wednesday at the age of 37 after a skiing accident, leaves behind a gallery of graceful characters who have acquired a great maturity over the years. Here are five of his films.

Posted at 1:38 p.m.

Raphaelle Picard
France Media Agency

Just the end of the world (2016)

Louis, homosexual, successful author, finds his family after 12 years of absence to announce to them “his imminent and irremediable death”. The shadow of his Saint Laurent nourished the composition of this serious and disturbing new role, this time directed by Xavier Dolan in 2016. The young Canadian director films this prodigal son as an alter ego, a stranger among his own, blinded by the family hysteria. He will win his second César, this time for best actor.

Saint Laurent (2014)


Léa Seydoux, Gaspard Ulliel and Aymeline Valade in Saint Laurent by Bertrand Bonello

It is with the Saint Laurent by Bertrand Bonello in 2014 that Gaspard Ulliel embodies his first role as a man, complex and powerful. After a year of work where he seeks to find the singular voice of the couturier, he delivers a dark and fragile character that makes him known internationally.

Nominated as best actor at the César, it is finally Pierre Niney who wins for the same role in another Yves Saint Laurent by Jalil Lespert. But in this role – that of his life, he confessed – Gaspard Ulliel reached splendid maturity.

The Princess of Montpensier (2010)


Mélanie Thierry and Gaspard Ulliel in The Princess of Montpensier by Bertrand Tavernier

In 2010, he played Henri de Guise in The Princess of Montpensier, an ambitious period film by Bertrand Tavernier, starring Mélanie Thierry and Lambert Wilson. In this love story set against the backdrop of the religious wars of the 16and century filmed in cinemascope, he embodies with all the passion of his youth, the young cousin of the Princess of Montpensier.

A long engagement Sunday (2004)


Audrey Tautou and Gaspard Ulliel in A long engagement Sunday by Jean-Pierre Jeunet

The third nomination for the César for best male hope will be the good one for Gaspard Ulliel. The young actor won the statuette in 2005 for A long engagement Sunday by Jean-Pierre Jeunet in which he plays Manech, the fiancé of Mathilde (Audrey Tautou) who disappeared in 1917 in the trenches and whom the young girl refuses to believe is dead. In this blockbuster which made more than 4 million admissions, Gaspard Ulliel embodies a young man suspended between childhood and madness. His grace in this role is matched only by his freshness.

the lost (2003)


Gaspard Ulliel in the lost by André Téchiné

The actor is only 19 years old when he turns the lost under the direction of André Téchiné in 2003. He plays a delinquent on the run who, during the Exodus of June 40, takes under his wing two children and their mother, a disturbing young widow. With this role, a concentration of forces and injuries, he won his second nomination for the César for best male hope. The year before, it was in the same category with comedy Kiss whoever you want by Michel Blanc.

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