five figures on the vaccination campaign, one year after its launch in France

The image of his arm pricked by a syringe had been around the media. At 78 years old, Mauricette received, Sunday, December 27, 2020, the first dose of vaccine against Covid-19 in France. An act marking the start of the vaccination campaign launched in nursing homes. One year later, vaccination is now open to all people over 5 years old. The campaign has also taken a new turn since September with the injection of booster doses.

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During these last twelve months, the government has not stoppedencourage the population to be vaccinated. Coverage rate by age group, regional disparities, most used vaccines … Franceinfo looks back on five key figures of the vaccination campaign in France.

177% of French people are fully vaccinated

As of December 26, 51.6 million people had benefited from an initial vaccination schedule, which corresponds to the administration of one or two doses depending on the situation. Thus, 77% of the total French population is fully vaccinated.

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In addition, 52.7 million people have received at least one dose of vaccine since the start of the vaccination campaign, or nearly 79% of the French population. Almost six million people are still not vaccinated “, assured the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, on December 17 during a press conference.

2 With a rate of 98%, people in their seventies are the most vaccinated

In France, the vaccination rate varies according to the age groups. People aged 70 to 79 are the most vaccinated: 98% of them had received a complete regimen by December 23. Vaccination coverage also exceeds 90% among 60-69 year olds, 50-59 year olds and 18-29 year olds. It should also be noted that 14% of those 80 and over have not yet been fully vaccinated.

Minors are currently the weakest vaccinated. Thus, 78% of 12-17 year olds have benefited from a complete vaccination. However, the vaccination campaign in this whole age group has only been running for six and a half months. Finally, in children aged 5 to 11, the vaccination campaign has barely started. After being open to children at risk from December 15, it was generalized Wednesday to this entire age group.

344% of the Corsican population is not vaccinated

Vaccination against Covid-19 is also marked by significant regional disparities. Overseas, the countryside struggles to convince the inhabitants. In Guadeloupe and Martinique, less than 40% of the population has received at least one dose of the vaccine. A figure which rises to 30% in Guyana. However, these rates should be taken with caution since “Ldepartmental indicators overseas are unavailable “ since December 8, specifies the government data portal.

Share of the population having received at least one injection per region, as of December 23, 2021 (FRANCEINFO)

Except overseas, it is in Corsica that the vaccination rate is the lowest: only 66% of the population have received at least one injection. Overall, the east of France is less vaccinated than the west coast. With 83% of inhabitants having received at least one dose, Brittany is the region with the highest vaccination coverage.

4More than 22 million booster doses have been injected since September

Since its launch in September, the recall campaign has continued to gain momentum. In total, as of December 26, 22,002,825 booster doses have been administered in France, according to the Ministry of Health.

After having been initially reserved for people at risk and those over 65 years of age, the injection of a booster dose has been recommended since the end of November for all adults. It should be given four months after the last vaccine injection.

579% of first-time injections were performed with Pfizer’s vaccine

A vaccine has emerged among the four authorized in France: that of Pfizer-BioNTech. Thus, 79% of the first injections were carried out with this vaccine from American and German companies. In France, it is also the one that is the most widely recommended since it is the only one that can be administered both to all adults and to children from 5 years old, as recalled by the website of the Ministry of Health.

In addition, 11% of the first injections were carried out with the Moderna vaccine. Since November, the However, the Haute Autorité de santé advises againston administration to people under 30 years of age, due to a slightly higher risk of myocarditis in younger children.

These two vaccines, based on messenger RNA technology, now occupy the forefront in the vaccination campaign. They are from elsewhere the only ones to be given as a booster dose.

Breakdown of Covid-19 first-time injections by vaccine type, as of December 24, 2021 (FRANCEINFO)

Conversely, the viral vector vaccines of AstraZeneca, authorized in February, and Janssen, administered since April, are marginally used in France. Only 8% of first-time injections were performed with the first, and 2% with the second. The AstraZeneca vaccine has not been injected since mid-March to people under the age of 55, due to a risk of thrombosis. This restriction also applies to the Janssen single-dose vaccine.

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