five farms affected in the North

The virus was identified in a first French breeding on November 26, on a farm in the town of Warhem.

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The avian flu spread, Thursday, December 9, to three new farms in the North, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. France therefore has five outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in livestock, nine cases in wildlife, three cases in captive wildlife (geese or swans not migrating) and three cases in backyard, lists the Ministry of Agriculture. on its website.

The virus had been identified in a first French farm on November 26, on a farm in the town of Warhem, where 160,000 laying hens were reared all year round in buildings. Four other cases have since been confirmed in the same department. In each case in breeding, the animals are slaughtered.

To reduce the risk of contamination, the health authorities had also asked at the beginning of November all outdoor and organic producers to confine their poultry in order to avoid contact with migratory birds potentially carrying the virus. But the first cases were detected in conventional farms, in buildings.

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