five architecture students find refuge in Grenoble

They are among the three million Ukrainian refugees who fled the Russian invasion on their soil. They are Nataliia, Valeriia, Elina, Anastasiia and Alexandr. Aged 17 to 19, they are five architecture students from the city of Dnieproone of the last major cities in Ukraine to resist the offensives of the Russian invader.

They were welcomed in mid-March as part of the humanitarian association Fédération Echanges France Ukraine and their visit was coordinated by retired architecture professor Hervé Fradet. “Having done seminars at the Dniepro school of architecture, I was contacted by the managers to organize their reception. I was impressed by the efficiency of the ENSAG (National School of Architecture of Grenoble) to ensure their integration so quickly.”

An adapted schedule

ENSAG has also ensured adjust their schedule so that they can continue to follow certain courses in their home institution. “We are used to welcoming foreign students here, says Philippe Grandvoinnet, director of studies at ENSAG, we have made sure that they already share projects with the students of the school to facilitate their integration and it is going well.” Last week they had their first French lesson. Because for them, this exile also means learning a new language. “The teachers are super nice to us. It almost feels like in Ukraine”, admits Elina, 19, with a smile on her face despite the sadness of the events that brought her here.

A very long trip to Isère

Young Ukrainians are gradually managing to find their marks despite a long and difficult journey. “We spent five days on the train, it was very complicated but we tried to keep our spirits up by telling each other jokes”, says Alexandr, 17, the only man among the five refugees. His young age allowed him to escape the compulsory conscription imposed on all Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60.

Three other Ukrainian students will soon arrive in Grenoble to continue their studies in architecture.

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