Fitzgibbon, the darling of François Legault

Allow me first to recall that since the October 2018 elections, I have supported the CAQ and François Legault, the politician who understood, himself, a former PQ member, that the only way for French-speaking Quebecers to still hold power in the National Assembly was to join its Coalition Avenir Québec.

The multiplicity of current parties that share the votes shows that without the CAQ, which joins a majority of Francophones, we would be condemned to live in opposition. My support for the CAQ is a rational choice that has earned me a number of reproaches, which hardly prevent me from sleeping.

The Legault government, comfortably re-elected in October and gradually freed from pandemic constraints, is taking a direction which, under the leadership of super minister Pierre Fitzgibbon, forces us to question ourselves.

Especially since François Legault, friend and great admirer of his super minister, whom he defends tooth and nail, runs the risk of lacking the energy to resist this offensive by business people for whom only economic policy exists, point where all the other ministers, including those responsible for Health, Education, Social Affairs and Culture, are more or less silent.


The resignation of the CEO of Hydro-Québec surprised everyone. She was “resigned”, in fact, by the Minister responsible for the Economy, who imposes his law and his priorities without shame.

Before Christmas, Prime Minister Legault received Ms. Brochu to discuss her future.

“I really liked Sophie […] a brilliant woman […] great communicator,” he later said.

It’s a bit short. He had already, one imagines, chosen the camp of his super minister who, himself, did not commit himself on “the love he had for this lively, very competent woman and loved by his Hydro employees. -Quebec”.

It is understandable that the current ministers of the Legault government are reluctant to comment on the powerful and admiring bond that attaches François Legault to his super minister.


However, the Prime Minister cannot deny that post-pandemic Quebec is collapsing. It is certainly not by giving priority to financing Quebec businesses with hundreds of millions and by opening wide the doors of Quebec to a hundred thousand immigrants a year that we are going to revolutionize the education system, relearn the new generations to read and write correctly, raise the quality of CEGEP and university requirements and treat patients and medical personnel according to more humane criteria.

The danger of the current CAQ under the leadership of François Legault, obsessed with his minister with an apparently limitless portfolio, is that he will lose his instincts and his political sensitivity which make him a moderate, humble politician who listens to the population. .

Quebec is sick at heart. It is clear that economic obsession will not be enough to allow us to find our roots and keep our language.

Our natural resources are not to be sold off. René Lévesque taught us that our little people are something like a great people. Quebec is not for sale to anyone who just wants to get rich.

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