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The fishermen obtained guarantees from the European Commission on Monday 3 April. There will be no European plan to eventually ban bottom fishing in marine protected areas.
Until 2030, it will be possible to fish by bottom trawl in the marine areas protected. The Minister of the Sea promised it after a visit to Brussels. Fishermen remain cautious. “Of the c lyricsis good, but c-acts‘is better. We would have liked it to be signed agreements“, explains one of them, Ulrick Comtesse. According to the fishermen, the Brussels plan threatened a third of the French fleet.
Threat to biodiversity
This fleet, which specializes in bottom trawling, targets species living on ocean floors, both fish and crustaceans. However, trawling threatens biodiversity and the seabed. Brussels has asked member states to take national measures to ban fishing in protected areas. Clear Nouvianof the Bloom association, also recalls the importance “to protect fishing artisanal, [qui] suffers the onslaught of industrial fishing“. The fishermen remain mobilized on other issues, in particular the incidental captures of dolphins.