Fishing licenses: the standoff continues between Paris and London



Article written by

V. Lerouge, A. Rougerie, M. Ibounda, N. Sadok – France 3

France Televisions

After weeks of crisis linked to fishing, a de-escalation was announced by the Elysee after an interview between Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson on the sidelines of the G20 in Rome (Italy), Sunday October 31. However, in the evening, London displayed its firmness. French fishermen are getting impatient.

In the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais), the fishermen seem annoyed on Sunday 31 October. French sailors are waiting for a license to be able to work in English waters. But the two countries still cannot find an agreement. “We will always wait. Afterwards, Christmas will arrive, the holiday season […] In the meantime, we can’t work “, impatient Jean-Marie Baheu, fisherman in Boulogne-sur-Mer.

Between Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson, the atmosphere seemed icy on the sidelines of the summit of the G20 in Rome (Italy). Their half-hour meeting, face-to-face and at the door closed, did not help defuse the conflict. The British Prime Minister denounces the threats allegedly made by France. For his part, the French head of state claims to have made proposals so as not to have to take retaliatory measures. “If the British do not make any obvious move, the measures which are planned from November 2 will have to be put in place”, said Emmanuel Macron. If London does not move within 48 hours, Paris will prevent English ships from unloading their fish in French ports.

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