Fishing licenses, fatal shipwreck of migrants, European civic service … Clément Beaune’s 8:30 am franceinfo

Invited on franceinfo on Friday 10 December, the French Secretary of State for European Affairs, Clément Beaune, notably returned to the cinflection around the fishing licenses not granted to French fishermen by the United Kingdom, as well as on the nfatal aufrage of migrants in La Manche, for which he promises an investigation into possible dysfunctions of the rescue services.

Fishing licenses: France expects “a gesture of goodwill” from the United Kingdom

“A few hundred licenses are pending”, estimated Clément Beaune, while the European Commission has set an ultimatum for the United Kingdom, which has until this evening to unblock the conflict over fishing licenses not granted to French fishermen. “There will not be all the licenses to which we are entitled by this evening, but if the British, today, undertake to give a few dozen more licenses as a gesture of goodwill to show that the dialogue carries its fruits, we will take it into account “, he said. In contrast, “if they stick to their positions, we will ask the European Commission to announce the opening of a dispute with the British over the weekend”, he added.

Fatal sinking of migrants: Clément Beaune promises an investigation

“We are going to investigate precisely to find out what happened because we are talking about human lives”, said Clément Beaune, concerning possible dysfunctions of the relief efforts between the French and the British, during the sinking on November 24 in which 27 migrants died. In testimonies, survivors let it be known that they had called French helpers who sent them back to British helpers and vice versa. “These testimonies are overwhelming”, admitted Clément Beaune. “I cannot find it normal that people’s lives are in danger and that they wait for hours for help”, he added.

European civic service: “All young people must have a European experience”

Emmanuel Macron announced on Thursday that he wanted to create a six-month European civic service for those under 25, during a press conference from the Elysee Palace a few weeks before the start of the French presidency of the European Union. “The idea is to open it to everyone”, commented Clément Beaune. According to him, this system will complement the Erasmus system, currently in place, which allows “for students to do 6 months to a year of study in another foreign country”.

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