fisherman dead and search interrupted after sinking fishing boat



Article written by

S.Lequesne, L.Caillieret, M.Genevois, F. Dumont – France 3

France Televisions

The concern has grown since the sinking Thursday, February 3 in the evening of a fishing boat off Le Havre (Seine-Maritime). A sailor has died and a 17-year-old is missing. Bad weather conditions complicate the search.

They had set sail in a 12-meter trawler, Le Milano. On board were three fishermen. Thursday, February 3, in the evening, for an undetermined reason, the boat suddenly capsized off Le Havre (Seine-Maritime). Their hull hits another ship, which will sound the alarm. A helicopter is immediately sent to help.

“It was when the helicopter arrived and was able to place a diver on the upturned hull, that we were able to fish out a person”, explains Véronique Magnin, spokesperson for the Maritime Manche prefecture. Unfortunately, the fisherman died shortly after arriving at Le Havre hospital. Rescuers from the SNSM then go in search of the other two men. Among them, a 17-year-old who was educated at the city’s maritime high school. The search has for the moment had to be interrupted due to bad weather.

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